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A devotional commentary on Paul’s letter to the Galations

119 pages

Paul’s letter to the Galatians has a continuing relevance for us today, not least because it focuses on the doctrine of justification by faith alone, the doctrine which Martin Luther identified as the one on which the Church of Jesus Christ stands or falls. As we remember the 500th anniversary of Luther nailing his 95 theses to the church door at Wittenberg on 31st October 1517, we do well to re-read the apostle’s important letter which had such an influence on the great German reformer. Kenneth Martin’s helpful commentary is a useful aid for all who wish to explore Galatians and reflect on its central message. Whether as Christian believers or “workers in the Lord’s vineyard”, we can all benefit from a clear understanding of this key New Testament epistle. This commentary will greatly help us in that endeavour.

Stafford Carson
Principal and Professor of Ministry Union Theological College Belfast, Northern Ireland

This commentary on Galatians by Kenneth Martin is based upon his careful and detailed study of the text and upon his frequent teaching of its contents to keen and inquisitive students. If you really want to understand the teaching of this important letter, you need to read and study this commentary, as Kenneth takes you through it, verse by verse, and explains, in detail, but in simple and understandable language, its meaning and personal application.

I certainly recommend this commentary wholeheartedly and without reservation, and I trust, and believe, that it will help many to come to a better understanding of this wonderful letter, written by Paul to show us what we should believe and do, and what we should not believe and not do.

Sam Doherty
Director of European Child Evangelism Fellowship, (1964 – 1993) Founder of CEF Specialized Book Ministry

I have found Kenneth Martin’s commentary on Galatians to be informative, instructive and an inspiration. Kenneth’s comments enhance the rich treasure of truth contained in this epistle and majors on the great redemptive work of our Saviour in delivering us from bondage to enjoy the liberty of God’s children. Paul’s epistle has been the source of blessing to Christians in all generations. I am sure Kenneth’s comments and insights will bless and instruct many.

Victor Maxwell
Pastor, Missionary, Author

This is a concise but adequate study of an epistle that is too often misunderstood. It will enrich both the mind and the heart of the beginning believer as well as the seasoned Bible student. Galatians is an epistle that every believer should understand and be able to share with others, and this book makes that possible. The truths recorded in Galatians are desperately needed by believers in today’s confused world, and this book makes them clear and practical. I heartily recommend this commentary to you.

Warren W. Wiersbe
Author of the BE Series
A former Pastor of Moody Church, Chicago

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